By Lou Valentino




Dear friends of Astrological Varieties,


The September forecast is up. Just click below and select “Monthly Astrology 


Let us meditate and pray for the people living in the Gulf coast. I did predict 
in my updated forecast for 2008 that this presidential election year could be 
interrupted by unexpected weather patterns, earthquakes or a possible tsunami 
in the Pacific Basin.


Please take the time over the next several days to pray, meditate and send 
white light to the areas between northern Florida and the coastline of Texas. I 
am predicting that John McCain and Sarah Palin who have already decided to head 
to Mississippi today will begin the healing process of the past in relationship 
to the wounds left behind by the Republican Party. With so much resentment from 
Katrina to the Republican Party it offers an opportunity for the Republican’s 
to heal some of the PR damage by making adjustments during the time of their 
RNC week.


I clearly stated on my updated predictions for 2008 on July 22, 2008 that 
whoever picked a female Vice President would win the election. I am standing by 
this prediction. As most of you know I wanted Hillary Clinton to be the V.P. 
for the Democratic Party. That obviously did not happen. 


As unexpected circumstances arise through erratic weather patterns and other 
unexpected events, the Republican Party will gain momentum over the next six 
weeks. Barak Obama was not expecting the unexpected and chose a more 
conservative V.P. choice. It is going to be a very close race to the white 


Sarah Palin is born February 11, 1964 under the sign of Aquarius. Therefore, 
she believes in working with others to benefit humanity. I do not have an exact 
birthtime. I placed her time at 12:00 Noon. 


With four or five planets in the air element (The Moon could be in Capricorn 
rather than Aquarius) if she was born after 11:00AM, this is a very independent 
women. Aquarian women that I have met in my personal life have a very strong 
nature and present a challenge to men if contested.


Top this off with Mars in Aries and five or six planets in the fixed qualities 
and you have a women who is very committed to her own way of doing things. Very 


With only one planet in water she is not the type of women who will hang out in 
a corner and cry. She is a fighter for humanity (Aquarius), and she knows how 
to get her message across with Gemini rising. The rising sign could change but 
it looks like Gemini. With Saturn, Mars and Sun possibly trine to her rising 
sign we have someone who communicates forcefully (Mars) and with a lot of 
energy (Sun) but with control (Saturn). Wow.


She is a reformer. She has Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo. She pay’s attention 
to fine details and is very quick to make precise judgments. Neptune squares 
her Saturn, Mars and Sun stellium showing deceptive actions which lead to 
trouble if she is not careful. Neptune is in Scorpio so she has an 
investigative mind and loves research. 


She will reform the Republican agenda and even though she holds very 
conservative beliefs and points of view she may surprise people down the road. 
Spiritual teachings show in her chart or teachings that are forward thinking. 
Even an interest in astrology with all of the planets in Aquarius coupled with 
Uranus in Virgo conjunct Pluto.


With 7 planets reflecting male energy and only three reflecting female she 
would be able to withstand a lot of pressure. When I get her exact birhtime I 
will elaborate more. One thing is for sure, Joe Biden had better wear a cup 
when he debates her because she is going to come out swinging.  Hillary could 
help Joe out but I don’t think Hillary Clinton (Scorpio) is going to lend a 
helping hand after all she has been through. 


You can read more about September and 2008 by visiting my website Astrological 
Varieties <> .


May God bless America and may everyone in the world be safe and sound this 
Holiday weekend.


Love and Light,

Lou Valentino


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