I've always thought that the name 'Cosmic Consciousness,'
proposed as a synonym for the first stage of enlightenment,
kinda misses the point. 'Cosmic' is just too damned serious.

I don't know about the rest of you out there in FFL-land
who have had extended periods of realization or enlighten-
ment, but my second reaction to it happening (my first was
thinking "Wow, this is odd.") was thinking "Wow, this is

I mean, I stood there in my hotel room in Fiuggi Fonte and
looked around at the world as it now was, the thing I had
been seeking for so many years, and realized that it had
always already been like that, and I began to laugh. I may
have laughed continuously for fifteen minutes. My neighbors 
in the hotel must have thought that I'd lost it. Some of 
them were probably angry that the sound of my laughter 
coming through the walls was getting in the way of being 
all SERIOUS about their quest for enlightenment. Whereas 
what I was laughing at was the realization that all my 
years of questing after enlightenment had been getting in 
the way of realizing that enlightenment had always already 
been present.

So, based on my first (and temporary) experience of CC, I'm
going to propose a new definition for that creaky old TM 
acronym CC. I think that 'Cosmic Consciousness' is just too 
damned serious, and that CC should really stand for 'Comedy 

The people on this planet who have most convinced me that
they are experiencing Enlightenment Or Something Like It have
all been, more than anything else, funny. If you ask their
long-time students or people who have met them only in passing 
to describe them, the first words out of their mouths are often
"He was funny."

And I don't think that this description trivializes or demeans
them in any way. I think it's one of the best things that any
human being can say about another human being. It's certainly
the thing I would hope someone would remember first and say
about me when I am dead and gone.

We're all a bunch of spiritual groupies on this forum. We've
paid our dues hangin' out in rooms with a lot of spiritual
teachers. Being as different as we all are, however, I'm sure
that we all had different things that we were looking for IN
those spiritual teachers. Some were looking for flash (shakti),
others for wisdom (an intellectual facility with words), and
others for silence (stillness, samadhi, the transcendent). And
all of these things are important, I guess, but that's not what
I look for in a spiritual teacher that makes him or her inter-
esting enough for me to drive across town to see them.

I'm looking for funny.

I'm comfortable with describing enlightenment as Comedy Consc-
iousness because I consider being a real-deal, no bullshit,
honest and spontaneous spiritual teacher to be only the second
most noble profession on the planet. The first is being a real-
deal, no bullshit, honest and spontaneous comedian.

Both professions involve helping others to take themselves (and
life) a little less seriously, and helping them to laugh more.
On the whole, comedians are better at their jobs than spiritual

One of them, a little chap by the name of Charlie Chaplin, said,
"Life is a tragedy in close-up, but a comedy in long shot."

That's it. That's it exactly. That's the thing that all of 
these spiritual teachers have been trying to convey to all of 
us spiritual groupies for all of these centuries. They've been 
telling us, essentially, to Lighten The Fuck Up. The "long shot" 
on the quest for enlightenment is that it's a joke.

Enlightenment has always already been there. ALL of your oh-so-
serious attempts to achieve it have been and will always be a
joke, because you are trying to achieve something you already are. 

That's funny, right?

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