--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 31, 2008, at 8:34 AM, Vaj wrote:
> >
> > On Aug 31, 2008, at 2:20 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > >
> > > What I'm wondering is whether abandonment -- ignoring
> > > them completely -- is the best thing that we could
> > > possibly do for them? What happens in a clinical set-
> > > ting when you just basically IGNORE someone with BPD?
> >
> > The few people I knew who actually ended up being Borderlines all
> > followed a similar pattern:
> >
> > Above average intelligence, successful working for themselves or 
> > "in charge" and with a certain amount of charisma. The problem 
> > was they'd draw you in with something interesting. They'd draw 
> > you in real close, revealing intimate details, etc. and you get 
> > to be close very quickly....then they blast you with their rage 
> > when you get close. Since they see the world largely in black or 
> > white, you fall into the black side of things and are devalued 
> > and looked upon as if evil. It's all your fault!
> I should have also hastened to point out that treatment for this  
> particular personality disorder is not only extremely difficult 
> to accomplish in a clinical setting, it also does not respond 
> well to any sort of direct confrontation, certainly not finger-
> pointing. This will only close off communication and forestall 
> or stop treatment or progress. IOW you wouldn't, after years of 
> knowing someone with this issue, approach them and reveal your 
> diagnosis upon them. Forget about a family intervention(!). 
> You'd very likely never, ever hear from that person again unless 
> it was to vent their spleen, liver and tongue on you.
> It's also not a good idea to perform such diagnosis on discussion  
> lists, for the above reasons and that it's medically unethical.

Good point about being medically unethical, even
though I'm not a doctor. Good point also about not
risking confrontation and intervention with BPD's
in a family situation. 

But as for doing so on discussion lists, the venting
is already a done deal, so isn't the possible "up side" 
of very likely never, ever hearing from that person 
again worth the risk?


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