You are right about the incomplete sentence. I should have drafted my
post in a word document and would have caught the error. Sorry, no
coke here, you will have to see Obama for that. As far as linking
Obama to a terrorist is concerned...well, if the shoe fits... Everyone
is free to draw their own conclusions about the facts of Obama's life.
Whether anyone votes for or against him because of it, is none of my
business.  Rather than focusing on my typos as an excuse to distract
us from Obama's past, why don't you answer the question? "Why aren't
you the least bit curious to know what the future president of our
country is hiding?" If he lies about Ayers, what else is he lying
about and will lie to us as our future president?

My post should have read:
I don't see how disclosing factual events of Obama's past is a smear.
The media should vet all candidates thoroughly. IMO they did a piss
poor job of vetting Obama but didn't waste any time ripping into
Palin. Why would you want to excuse anyone who aspires to be president
from answering legitimate questions? The more his media flacks, like
Ben Smith at Politico, try to protect him, the more I want to know.
Why does Obama decline to speak about his time as President of the
$100 million dollar Annenberg Foundation? It would have put to rest
any question about his lack of executive experience. He should be
bragging about it. But he does not. Why? Because a full examination of
this period of his life will reveal he lied when he said Ayers is just
"a guy who lives in my neighborhood" and in fact had a long term
working relationship with Ayers. Why aren't you the least bit curious
to know what the future president of our country is hiding?

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