--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > Yikes! Just as I suspected. You hate America too. Figures.
> You are entering the intellectual territory of George Bush, 
> same level of simplistic thinking.  For us or against us.  

*Everyone* is against her. Haven't you figured
that out yet?

> > Welcome comrades to Obomba's Ameri-KKK.> 
> This is very offensive. I'm gunna take a wild guess that you 
> don't hang out with black people?  

I'd go so far as to suggest that she doesn't 
hang out with people *at all*. Who could 
stand to be around her? My bet is that Rick 
invited her here out of pity. 

> If you did you would never make such an
> obnoxious comment.

Curtis, you are talking about the person who 
accuses Obama of being a terrorist in one breath,
and is as startling an example of misandry and
racial bigotry as we have ever seen on this 
forum or any other, who then, in the next breath,
claims that reporters are misogynistic for asking
Sarah Palin to describe her qualifications for
the second-highest position in the land.

You are talking about a homosexual who thinks
that a good *insult* is to call someone else
a homosexual.

You are talking about someone who is so far over
the edge into insanity that it boggles the mind. 
KKK? This woman is so much crazier than KKK 
members that it's scary.

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