Vaj wrote:
> On Oct 13, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Dick Mays wrote:
>> The rise of coherence has fueled a long-overdue purification in 
>> national life
> Hate to say "I told you so", but "I TOLD YOU SO"!  (msg 193626)
> These guys are about as predictable as they come.
Don't show this message to the Bush administration as Bush will have a 
press conference and announce to the public that the TM movement was 
responsible for the global economic crash and will send out the DHS to 
arrest TM'ers everywhere starting with Hagelin and Bevan.  :-D

Of course the reason for the economic collapse was the ponzi scheme that 
banks came up with to sell loans, many times over so that one dollar was 
loaned out 30 times.  That was criminal but they did it "because they 
could."  And according to Bill Seidman who was with a group that created 
that concept, Greenspan thought it was great.  Now the world really 
hates America because we didn't just sell those loans to Americans but 
the whole world.  In a way it really is like a Divine Comedy in play 
because it shows how stupid the bankers were in this and why they should 
never be trusted again.  And if they are going to nationalize the banks, 
how about health care?  I'd like to see that nationalized too.

New video explaining the monetary system with some good ideas (Judy, 
don't watch this):
You can watch it on Google or download the Dixv file via torrent and a 
DVD is available to order.   Some interesting ideas in it.  Check out 
the Venus Project mentioned in the film:

Obama announced in Toledo some immediate steps to heal the economy:

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