--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 29, 2008, at 11:32 PM, sparaig wrote:
> > Hence the enlightenment reportcard
> "Enlightenment report card"??  Is this something new?
> They've really flipped out...
> > to try to catch people who aren't actualy doing
> > TM but only saying they are.
> Yes, as we all know, nobody ever goes to the domes to do
> anything else, like sleep...
> > If you think TM induces measurable changes outside
> > of the meditation period, then you believe the system works. If you  
> > think TM
> > has no real effect on the physiology of meditators, then you assume  
> > that people
> > will be able to game the system.
> And heaven forbid anyone should ever try to game the system
> there, such as it is, and actually think for themselves once in
> a while...
> > Its only those who think that TM's effects are BAD
> > but real, who should have a problem with this. AFterall, the  
> > students are at MUM
> > ostensively because they've agreed to learn and practice TM while  
> > at MUM and the
> > folks paying for their scholarships assume that they are telling  
> > the truth.
> Then the idiots in charge of the nuthouse that passes for
> a school there know even less about human nature than
> they seem to.  Of course people are not always going
> to tell the truth, esp. about something they're
> essentially being forced to do.  Did you always, spare?
> Or did you start to fudge a little when it became obvious
> that any experiences other than "good" ones weren't so
> well-recieved?

Nope. Obsessive-compulsive truth teller.

Let me tell you about the time I admitted on my USAF form that I once smoked


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