On Oct 30, 2008, at 8:51 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

DO NOT recommend MUM to this family. The reputation of the school is
poor.  They do not have a good attitude towards students who are
struggling psychologically. It cost too much for what you get. There
are plenty of better options.

From one who, I presume, has never been anywhere near MUM in her life
and therefore has no clue about "what you get." But
on this forum of course, ignorance is no barrier to posting.

If it were, Bob, nobody would ever post.  You've posted several
times yourself on what's good for kids without, I presume, having any.

Ruth's assessment is right on, and I went there and live in FF now.

Sorry, Bob, that was feste I was responding to.

It's the Halloween jynx...


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