--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nelson wrote:
> >  + Only an opinion but,
> >    The low fuel prices look artificial and, can hold out much longer
> > than the alternate fuels which are newer companies.
> >     In Fairfield, there was a branch of a company that made tanks
> > the ethanol industry which has closed letting the help go.
> >      I wonder if, after the competition has collapsed, the fuel
> > will reach even higher levels.  hope not.
> Gas driven cars are filthy.  If you saw "Who Killed the Electric Car"

Yea, and guess who killed the electric car. Bush/Cheney's bumchums
Chevron-Texaco, with complicacy from the now bankrupt GM, which now
needs help from the communist government of Bush-Cheney (even the
Republican farm subsidies are a form of Communism. And the republicans
call the Democrats 'socialists'  just because the Dems want to help
little old ladies and sick children. )


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