--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> On the minimum wage, I stand corrected. But with what's left of the
> economy and jobs after the fine work of your selfish, greedy
> free-market deregulate-the-industry pals in the financial sector it
> just might be the only thing available for someone with the skills
> mentioned above.

I'm glad you've got it all figured out and are able to mete out blame, 

I work in the financial sector and I haven't been able to figure it out 
yet.  There's a whole lot of factors that are apparently responsible 
for the mess:

- Government regulation REQUIRING banks and lending institutions to 
lend to folks not capable of making payments on house loans.  This 
wasn't deregulation but the OPPOSITE of deregulation;

- Mark-to-market rules.  Not really sure how this works and why it may 
be responsible for some of the mess but pundits cite it as one of the 
causes.  Came out of the Enron debacle.  Again, it's a regulation, NOT 

- Credit Default Swaps.  Yes, this is an area that was deregulated 
(actually it was, if my understanding is correct, something that was 
never regulated in the first place because it was an entirely new 
product and an entirely new market).  Too many were sold (they are a 
kind of derivative that provides a hedge for the funds that the lending 
institutions gave to the mortgagees if the mortgages were defaulted) 
without any securities backing them up.  So when so many mortgages went 
belly up, no one was around to actually pay on the credit swaps.

But this may also be not so much a case of deregulation but that those 
agencies like Moody's and Standard and Poor's and A.M. Best which are 
supposed to be assessing the financial health of institutions such as 
AIG simply weren't doing their job.  If they were, they would have 
noticed and therefore informed us that those credit swaps weren't being 
backed up by any real assets.

It's funny because AIG -- which sold the bulk of the credit swaps that 
turned out to be useless -- is being touted as an insurance company 
that had to be bailed out.  Well, all of AIG's subsidiaries that ARE 
insurance companies -- like American General -- are all in excellent 
health and didn't need bailing out.  Those subsidiaries that in the 
life insurance business, for example, are heavily regulated not by the 
federal government but by each of the 50 states (insurance is under 
state jurisdiction in our federation).  And they kept a pretty good eye 
on what they were doing and they were healthy.

But AIG -- the mother ship -- was involved in this activity of credit 
default swaps that was NOT an insurance activity, although as a hedge 
instrument it certainly acted like one.  If credit swaps were pure 
insurance instruments, they would have been strictly overseen by the 
existing state insurance agencies.  But because that activity was more 
of a federal thing, it was out of their purview.

> Now let's see you proffer a simple "I stand corrected" with regard to
> legitimate global warming science and the fraudulent 'experts' you put
> forward to deny its causes.

I won't because I haven't seen a shred of evidence of catastrophic man-
made global warming (CMMGW).

Of course, even if there WERE such evidence, the next hurdle to 
overcome would be the one that Swedish environmentalist (sorry, I 
forget his name) always brings up and that is: even accepting the 
premise that there is CMMGW, the costs involved to combat it are not 
only cost-prohibitive but unnecessary.

Unnecessary for a variety of reasons:

1) even doing everything Al Gore would have us, as Americans, do would 
not significantly lower the temperature;  We'd spend trillions without 
getting much bang for our buck.

2) the Chinese and Indians -- about 2.5 billion all total today, much 
more in 20 years -- are not going to be denied their creature comforts 
by abiding by the strict rules set down by some fanciful, unproven 
notion of CMMGW.

3) why do away with the BENEFITS of global warming?  There's alot of 
good that comes from CO2.

So, I won't stand corrected because I don't think I'm incorrect.

But you and all the rest of the believers in CMMGW should be hoping and 
praying that YOU will stand corrected because that would mean that our 
planet isn't going to explode like Krypton.

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