--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
<willy...@...> wrote:
> Vaj wrote:
> > I still don't buy into the 'guilt by 
> > association' fallacy which waay so 
> > tentatively tried/tries to tie him to 
> > Barack.
> >
> It just shows poor judgement - how many 
> times can Barak say: 'That's not the 
> so-and-so I knew'. Now he will be saying
> 'that's not the Governor of Illinois that 
> I knew.' Wright, Phleger, Rezko, Ayers, 
> Dorhn, and now Blogocivich, none of which
> Barak really 'knew'. Why didn't Barak 
> 'really' know these guys?
> 'Big risks for Obama in Blago scandal'
> By Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin
> Politico, December 10, 2008
> http://tinyurl.com/5kgcpy

Chicago Slime in the News:

1. It looks like the attorney general Lisa Madigan says Blagojevich is
unfit to serve (as in crazy) http://tinyurl.com/5d2s8n and wants IL
supreme court to force him out of office immediately and replace him
with the Lieutenant Governor. The last thing any of the Democrats in
IL, DC and the Congress wants is to have a special election. They
would and risk having a Republican win the vote and the new governor
would put a Republican in Obama's Senate seat. 

2. In order to take the heat off himself, Jessie Jackson, Jr, the wily
"candidate #5" is taking a cue from Madigan and digging himself deeper
saying Blagojevich has "mental capacity issue"  Blagojevich may be
corrupt, but crazy he ain't. JJJ should just shut up.

3. William Ayers never changed his stripe, he is still the same skunk
he ever was. CHRIS MATTHEWS to Bill Ayers, December 10, 2008,
Hardball, MSNBC: "I was a Capitol policeman at the time, so I was one
of the guys that could have been killed obviously at the time you put
that, your guys put that bomb in there. So I have a little personal
interest. It wasn't just vandalism. To me it was life-threatening to
the guys I worked with. And there were some pretty good guys working
there." After that Chris threw Ayers a softballs the rest of the
interview. http://tinyurl.com/6rcd3z

Matthews is despicable. He allowed a domestic terrorist on the air to
re-write history. It unbelievable Matthews clearly states at the
beginning of the interview he was a victim of Ayers organization then
he let Ayers shamelessly promote his book, without challenging him. In
one moment, Matthews talks about how the bombings affected him and in
the next, he fawns all over the man who was responsible.

To top it off Matthews has the nerve to ask Ayers if he's scared that
Obama is bringing into his cabinet those who supported Authorization
for War in Iraq, and specifically mentioned Hillary Clinton. Here's
how low Matthews' can go just so he can give Hillary another of his
many cheap shots: William Ayers, the domestic terrorist is not to be
feared. Obama, untested, Chicago politician is not to be feared.
Hillary Clinton, respected Senator and lifelong advocate for women and
children IS to be feared. MSNBC and Chris Matthews, and all the rest
of the the media enabling Ayers and teflon coating Obama should burn
in hell.


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