Somebody whose posts Peter reads, please reply to this
and quote the whole thing, otherwise he won't see it.

--- In, Peter <drpetersutp...@...> 
> I'm trying to download itunes on my computer for the iphone I got 
from Santa.

Just to clarify, you've already *successfully* 
downloaded it, and you're now trying to install
it, right?

> The installation is almost complete when this window pops-up:


Peter, if you Google the above string--the whole
thing--you'll get a whole bunch of hits of folks
reporting problems with opening that key. If you
do the search on Yahoo you'll get even more hits.

Don't know if any of the proposed solutions will
work in your situation, but it's obviously a
common problem. See if you can find a recent report
(some of them are years old) from someone using the
same version of Windows you're using.

Did the message give you an error number? If so,
you might also try Googling (or Yahooing) the
error number.

(I took a look at the iTunes support forums, and
the ones on installation problems are *crammed*
with cries for help dated from December 25 on, from
folks who got an iPhone for Christmas. Didn't see
any referring to that key, but I just took a quick
look. Try doing a search under Search Discussions--
not the more general Search at the top of the page--
for the key.)

> It says that it could not open this key. What to do? Thanks.

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