no doubt like the seed of a plant, the uncovering of the atman as a 
progressive experience can grow and grow and grow, revealing more 
power and wonder and capability as it is uncovered, whether defined 
by the Maharishi, the Buddha, or any other fully enlightened being.

once the process begins, the teacher will bring out that aspect of 
enlightenment most useful to his/her students. for the Maharishi it 
was giving his students enough of a framework to get started, with 
the certainty that as their thirst for further knowledge grew, they 
would discover it appropriately.

this is the sad and deluded reality of Vaj, that knowledge is to be 
hoarded, and ascribed to specific teachers and cults and religious 
sects, and only by belonging to such spiritual splinters can one 
gain true knowledge, true enlightenment. 

his belief system is mere brand loyalty, as shallow as those who 
practice it while shopping at the mall, only applied to spiritual 

oh well, better luck next time, Vaj!

--- In, "yifuxero" <yifux...@...> 
> --MMY's "Unity" could be a quantum leap beyond Neo-Advaitin 
> Enlightenment.
> Buddhist Enlightenment is probably a quantum leap beyond MMY's 
> but few people have attained that.  I doubt that Vaj's Guru Norbu 
> Rinpoche is fully Enlightened.
> - In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> > By TM criteria, he is enlightened. By Buddhist criteria he is 
> > fully enlightened.
> > 
> > Are you familiar with the Bodhisattva path?
> > 
> > 
> > On Feb 17, 2009, at 3:47 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
> > 
> > > he doesn't claim to be enlightened, and yet, let's you and all 
> > > his other followers refer to him as His Holiness? if he isn't
> > > especially holy, why allow himself to be called that?
> >

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