On Feb 18, 2009, at 6:28 PM, Kirk wrote:

I'm trying to understand your point. Is the difference that MMY was a
public figure and Vaj is not? Is that a difference that makes a

-------Actually Maharishi started it when he said HHDL was 'just a
politician.' This has influenced lots of TM people against Buddhism at the outset. Much of TM slant influences the sort of fanatic unable to entertain any sort of ratiocination type of mentality we see much of here at FFLife.

I always found that rather odd, and I as I grew older, it was clear it was just a projection (and probably a good bit of jealousy)...from a businessman, a dishonest one to boot. Certain not a yogi, but a bhogi...very much attached till the very end, as he lived out his last daze, mumbling over video from his Howard-Hughes-in-a custom-made- sthapatya-ved palace bubble, afraid to even meet anyone, whining to his few remaining students to rip the electrical wires out of the wall. He died like a true bhogi.

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