--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yateendrajee" <mcint...@...> wrote:
> PDF's of old yearbooks are available at the MUM website. Might be
> helpful for group participants to point themselves out, and/or refresh
> their memories about classmates. I've been having a misty-eyed time
> looking at those dear people!
> http://www.mum.edu/yearbooks.html
> Cameron McIntosh
> Student '77-79

Wow, that was a trip and a half. I'm in the '83 and '84 yearbooks, the
two years that I was there. I saw Kirk's picture in the '84 yearbook.
 Some of the people are dead. Quite a few are still in Fairfield. One
of them has been married to me for almost 22 years. Lots of them are
people I haven't thought about in a very long time.

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