More than once God told Moses to go wipe out some other nation-tribe, and God 
gave specific instructions about keeping the virgins alive so that they could 
become slaves of Israel. 

How much more does one need to see that the three Middle East religions are not 
only comfortable but positively religious about murdering others?

Fuck, er, screw, er heck with your "rape's missing from the ten commandments" 
concept -- once you kill someone, you have committed a sin so egregious that 
all other possible sins pale by comparison.  Would you rather be raped or 
killed? -- it's that simple to see that murder is a whole other level of evil.

Murder goes hand in hand with religions -- even Scientology had that infamous 
"rule" that said a Scientologist had the right to kill someone who was actively 
trying to harm Scientology....meaning, any ex-TB.  Knowing this, who could care 
for anything that L.Ron Hubbard ever had to say again?  Even though the rule 
was erased, the mind that originally thought of it as good also created all the 
other Scientology rules.  They might have some nice morals in other regards, 
but if murder is acceptable to them, even their good parts must be stained, 
skewed, twisted, and fine-print-enabled-dangerous.  

To me, the discussion below is aiding and abetting murder in that it takes the 
spotlight off of murder.  Any religion that has a God that orders murder 
shouldn't get folks arguing about the nuances of the mitzvas that such a 
religion supports.  They can uphold all other righteousness and still be pieces 
of shit if they accept murder.  To me it's like a Nazi guard talking about 
whether it is right or wrong to steal from the Jews he's about to gas to death.

It is worst than that for me -- any group, not just religions, that espouses 
the putting to death of anyone for any reason is committing murder.  Soldiers 
shooting back at the other side are intent on murder -- not merely the killing 
of an antagonist of the moment, but instead it is a religious act no less 
culpable than the ritualistic sacrifices to keep the volcano from erupting. 

Well do I understand the motivations being so overwhelming that murder becomes 
alluring -- anyone who's had any kind of major negativity in life at the hands 
of another must contend with "keeping revenge" in its place.  Blame is never 
the best option even when it seems one's soul itself is clarity incarnate and 
crying for revenge.

That's my moral line in sand, but, like Jimmy Carter's lusting, I too have 
mentally fantasized all manner of revenges, and I cannot throw the first stone 
at anyone who's acted out on such notions.

'Course, nature is filled with murder -- cows eating grass, white blood cells 
eating bacteria, two hydrogens beating up an oxygen until it is no longer a gas 
-- everywhere is seen the imposition of one entity's unpermissioned actions 
upon another.

I suppose I should just get used to it, eh?

All in favor of murder, raise their hands.


--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> >
> > On Mar 16, 2009, at 10:00 AM, raunchydog wrote:
> > 
> > >>> Isn't it interesting that in the 10 Comms
> > >>> there's no commandment against rape?
> > >>>
> > >>> Sal
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >> It's just "interesting" or do you have an opinion about it? IMO  
> > >> rape is included in the commandments against coveting, stealing and  
> > >> murder.
> > 
> > That's just nonsense, raunch.
> > 
> > >> Coveting precedes rape: A rapist craves a woman to satisfy his  
> > >> desire.
> > 
> > More nonsense.  Rape is rarely about desire and
> > usually much more about power.
> O.K. Sal, I'll can accept your qualifier "power" and say "desire for power" 
> Happy now?
> > >> Stealing: A rapist covets a woman then he takes her. A woman owns  
> > >> her body. Taking a woman's body by force without her permission is  
> > >> rape/stealing.
> > >> Murder: Rape is an act of violence intended to destroy a woman's  
> > >> right to self-preservation. Rape often engenders permanent damage  
> > >> to the woman's sense of well being, if not a murderous end to her  
> > >> life.
> > 
> > Gosh...really??  Why do you think I wondered
> > why it didn't appear.
> > 
> > Sal
> >
> Then I guess we agree. Your point was that rape was not in the Commandments. 
> My point is, it is implied under coveting, stealing and murder. Now that I 
> have made an argument to support your query, you're giving me flack for 
> pointing out the obvious, which you obviously missed. Thanks for reminding me 
> that talking to a bucket of rocks ends in getting beaned with one on the 
> noggin'.

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