--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Cool comeback. I wondered whether you'd have
> > the balls to respond. Almost creative, if Ruth
> > hadn't thought of it first, and if I hadn't
> > springboarded off of her insight.
> Delia had it nailed years ago on alt.m.t with her
> all-purpose Barry post:
> "Blah, blah, Judy, yada yada Judy, blah.
> Yada, Judy, blah yada yada, then Judy will
> blah blah yada blah, because Judy blah
> blah yada, etc. But Judy blah blah, so
> that Judy yada yada, as everyone can see.
> But even though Judy blah, blah, yada yada,
> I really don't care about Judy and Judy
> is No Big Deal to me, because Judy blah blah
> Judy yada yada. But I don't think about
> Judy much at all, it's just that Judy blah
> blah yada yada. If Judy blah blah yada blah,
> then I would blah blah yada blah, but Judy
> yada yada, etc. blah blah, so Judy blah blah."

Uh...Judy...have you even *noticed* that
you are responding to my jabs of the last
few days that you are devoid of creativity,
*even in your putdowns*, by attempting to
repost a putdown written by someone else?


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