On Mar 24, 2009, at 12:06 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
I went to the doctor last week and he prescribed Xanax for me. But I refuse to even fill the prescription. I've seen members of my own family get on this sorts of drugs and it fucks them up for a lifetime.

Wishing you the best, shemp, but don't
throw all medication out the window.  Is
Xanax an anti-depressant?  Several help,
and continue to, millions, without serious
side-effects.  Don't know about X but some
research might be in order about the others.
And I also understand, after years of being
indoctrinated with the TMO's medication
scares myself.

A friend's mother recommended something called Valerian Root. I picked up a bottle of Valerian Root Extract pills (60 pills per bottle, 50 mg each) for the ridiculously low price of $5.00 at Sprout's and I must say it is a Godsend. I've taken it about 4 days now -- a few hours before going to sleep -- and it has really helped me sleep. As it is I am still only able to sleep about 4 hours a night.

But at least I lie in bed -- albeit awake -- and I'm sure I'm getting at least some rest that way, for the rest of the time.

But my despondency is big. And I have no one to blame but myself for the horrible mess I'm in. I'm actually considering calling a crisis line (no, not for suicide...I'm not having those thoughts), something I've never before done.

But it does help talking about it here.


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