On Mar 23, 2009, at 9:10 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

Private chef?

Any thoughts on the idea of private cheffing--at different houses,
once a week....custom gourmet menus, for upscale clients? Work your
magic....different places to work, different scenery, a different
mandala of people? You're always the boss, but instead of a
overbearing bastard, the clients get to see your enlightened nature...

It's the in thing. Show up, work your magic with a weeks worth of
meals. On to the next person. Never boring, always original. Gawd,
you'd be great at it! A traveling artist with his culinary, uh...
palate. :-)

I want a private chef but I know I would get fat. I did buy pre- made meals by a small catering company for a few years. They would deliver meals once a week. Most was frozen to reheat but there also was fresh stuff, like salads, fruit, etc. Much better than crap I would have made when I was working too many hours. I bet there is a market for this as well, but you probably need a commercial kitchen for preparing the meals.

In this area they come to your home and make the meals. Since they tend to appeal to the McMansion set, these people often have very nice kitchens. I considered it, but then instead just came up with meals I enjoyed making and a lot of soups. I don't mind cooking, I just don't like to clean up!

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