On Mar 24, 2009, at 9:12 AM, Hugo wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:

If you look at early MIU textbooks (privately printed), students were
required to take an interdisciplinary set of courses which included
physics. The physics module, as per the overriding TM mythology,
compared the experience of TM to physics and the imaginary unified
field of consciousness. But--and a very important "but"--at the end
they explained in no uncertain terms, that you can only take analogies
"so far".

Did they really? Good for them. I said from day one in my TM career
that CasUF is an analogy to supposed unification theories but
was told by my TM teacher that it really was the UF. He obviously didn't know anything about it and was just toeing the party line. It was the thing that kept me sceptical and I thank them for it.

Well, it's been hinted that Hagelin was pretty much forced to write his paper "Is Consciousness the Unified Field" and to accept the 'consciousness is the unified field' con, or to hit the highway. He craved "access" to the Big Reesh, so he sold his soul for that access. At that point it was no longer seen as an analogy, what it really is.

If I find the old Interdisciplinary physics course, I'll scan it in. It's in a box somewhere.

I did hear that Lawrence Domash objected to Marshy when he started
going on about CasUF, apparently he said "But Maharishi we don't really know anything about that level yet" To which the reesh replied "We are the masters of this field!" Yet another story but you've gotta admit it has the ring of truth about it.

Well, see the above. Similar story, but in this case 'it's my way or the highway'.

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