Zoran Krneta wrote:
> Shankara had Shri Vidya and Saiva background... but his 
> Guru was Vaishnava... He worshiped Lord Narasimha and whole 
> lineage was worshiping Vishnu: Parashara (read Brihad 
> Parashara Hora
> Sastra), Vyasa, Shukadev...
You are incorrect, Sir - everyone knows that the Adi Shankara
was a Shakta Tantrist who worshipped the Sri Vidya, that is,
the goddess Tripurasundari, Lalita, etc. at Sringeri. Why do
you think they called their headquarters 'Sri' and took the
surname 'Saraswati'? 

It is a fact that all the Shankaracharyas agree that the 
Saraswati Dasanamis worship the Sri Vidya. It is also a fact 
that the Sri Chakra is ensconced on the mandir. It is also 
a fact that all the Adwaita Sannyasins claim that Adi 
Shankara established four mathas as seats of learning and for 
the worship of Sri Vidya. 

The Sri Vidya, Mr. Zoran, is a Shakta deity and the diety sits 
on the seat of the matha at four places: Puri, Dwarka, Kanchi, 
and Sringeri. Our Guru, Swami Brahmanad Saraswati used to
worship the Sri Vidya in the form of a Yantra. Do you know
what a Yantra is, Mr. Zoran?

Read more: 

Sri Vidya:

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