--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> What you put your attention on grows.
> Is it just me, or does ED make some sense below?
> To me, if the world had ignored Ann Coulter, instead of paying attention to 
> her dysfunctions, we'd not have the likes of Rep. Michele Bachmann.  I mean, 
> how many more "pretty women" are going to say to themselves: "All I have to 
> do is be outrageous, and because I'm pretty, I'll get airtime like Coulter." 
> ???
> This is THE sin of BigMedia -- they spotlight a clown and suddenly everyone 
> is looking to buy bigass shoes and a red-bulb nose.

Cyber-space and meat-space (just learned that term and had to use it!) have 
their similarities.  The theory is that if you ignore a troll the troll will 
move on.  The problem is getting everyone to agree not only to ignore the troll 
but that the troll is a troll.  Not likely to happen.  That is why many forums 
have moderators and ban troublemakers.  That would never work here because 
everyone is a troublemaker. ;)

So, the world wasn't going to ignore Ann Coulter and the fact that I personally 
ignore her is meaningless. 

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