--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" <guyfawkes91@> wrote:
> >
> > I see the TMO is starting to get heavy with people who point out its rather 
> > obvious failings. YouTube has been told to take down the famous Berlin clip 
> > of Schiffgens making an idiot of himself.
> > 
> > http://nosedef.blogspot.com/2009/04/david-lynch-forces-my-video-of-him.html
> > 
> > This isn't the only recent case of the TMO getting heavy with people. My 
> > guess is that Bevan is the driving force behind the new heavy handed 
> > attitude to detractors since he's basically a bully and enjoys that sort of 
> > thing.
> > 
> > Comments?
> >
> The Schiffgens clip was an absolutely cringe inducing performance worthy the 
> Gong Show. Lynch was heroic. He did his best to treat Schiffgens with respect 
> and well as keep an angry mob from storming the stage. Bless his heart. 
> The TM critics have always had plenty of ammo available to dissuade people 
> from starting TM. This clip is just one more bomb in the arsenal. They will 
> persist and may dissuade a few here and there, but they will not prevail. 
> People who want to start TM will start regardless of any amount of dirty 
> laundry the TM critics unload. It might even make some folks curious enough 
> to start TM just to see what all the fuss was. 
> It's much more exhilarating for TM critics to say, "Hey, look at that idiot, 
> Schiffgens, if you do TM you might end up like HIM," than say, "Lynch has the 
> patience of a saint, if you do TM you might end up like HIM." 
> In either case, it is a mistake to judge the value of TM by the actions of an 
> idiot or a saint. There is no measure of idiocy or sainthood before, during 
> or after TM. Whether we witness the actions of Schiffgens the buffoon, Lynch 
> the angel of mercy or Bevan the fascist bully, TM will prevail as wholly 
> separate from them.

You'd do better to make the distinction between critics of the TMO and critics 
of TM.

To me, Transcendental Meditation properly taught is indeed a gift from God to 
humanity. The TMO on the other hand has for a long time been a publicly 
insignificant, inept, pathetic and clownish embarrassment.

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