On Apr 23, 2009, at 11:16 AM, do.rflex wrote:

You'd do better to make the distinction between critics of the TMO and critics of TM.

To me, Transcendental Meditation properly taught is indeed a gift from God to humanity. The TMO on the other hand has for a long time been a publicly insignificant, inept, pathetic and clownish embarrassment.

And you really think it's realistic to try and separate the
two, flex?

The TMO is run by a bunch of clownish, inept dolts (not that
there's anything wrong with that, of course) because those
are the only ones left.  The reason they're the only ones left
is because everyone with a functioning brain left years if not
decades ago.  The reason nobody replaced them is because
for a lot of people, TM either didn't work, didn't work well enough,
or, like me, they simply got bored to tears after
deciding they had gotten whatever benefits from the
technique they were likely to.


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