--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Doughney" <m...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > There is, after all, nowhere one can go to obtain
> > a "formal" definition of what "On The Program"
> > means. It's not written down in any Human Resources
> > manual that contains the rules imposed on teachers
> > of TM and/or mere practitioners of the TM technique.
> Well. Times have changed a bit.
> It's not exactly a "Human Resources" manual, but it is a 
> 14 page "Overview of Policies and Procedures" document for 
> "Recertified Governors." According to the file history at 
> Wikileaks.org, it was added there a few days ago, and then 
> the link to it showed up in the TM-Free Blog's sitemeter 
> referral logs. 
> http://tinyurl.com/governor-recert-policies
> It includes things like a six hour a day program requirement 
> for fulltime Governors, insistence that "Ladies" teach 
> "Ladies" and men teach men, and an admonition to not "take 
> help from medical Drs. as medical professionals give poison."

Thanks for posting this, Mike.

I, for one, simply cannot WAIT to hear how
the TM defenders on this forum "defend" this
one. That should be very amusing.

I also look forward to the looks on the faces
of "recertified" TM teachers attempting to 
sell the David Lynch Foundation program to
a school system when one of the teachers or
parents pulls out a printout of this PDF and
asks them to explain it. That should be
even more amusing.

I might add, as a note to TM defenders like
Judy who never once met Maharishi that *this*
is what a TM Teacher Training Course *sounds
like*, and what you missed by never having 
been on one. Note the careful preservation 
of Maharishi's broken English so that there 
can be no question as to who the quote comes 

Suggestions for points to "defend" in your
ongoing quest to do so here on FFL:

* Recertified Governors are only hope of 
the world and you are very few and must
know what you are

* Even spa people who touch body should 
start TM—the touch will be softer so they
must meditate

* We don't give out anything free, except 
personal checking (for which they have
already paid). If you don't charge, wealthy 
people won't come.

* Personnel should be simple, not creative. 
They have to be faithful to you

* World Peace Bonds...At the end of three 
years the investor receives the principle 
plus compound interest. (It has been over
three years since this was written. Has
*anyone* ever received what was promised?)

* Our strength is not the creativity of 
the people we engage. Our strength is in
constant publicity.

* We are not going to take help from medical 
Drs. as medical professionals give poison. 
So don't engage any medical Drs. for anything—
absolutely whatever it is—even if they are 
in our Movement family

* Hold onto the fact that we are the supreme 
authorities on health—we know how to create 
perfect health—we are challenging all 
governments in world.

* LMT's need to learn Transcendental Meditation 
technique first. It's for their personal
enlightenment and world peace If LMT does not 
want to start TM then we do not take them. ...
2 hours of TM and TM-Sidhi program is a must 
for Sidha LMTs also. Tell them that their arms 
will be softer.

* Have someone contact the town. Do it on a 
no-names basis. Just find out if they have any 
rules on health spas that offer massage. Be 
careful about how this is worded. "Massage 
parlors" have a bad reputation all over the US 
and towns don't want them. So make sure that 
you talk about opening a health spa. Be careful
there too, though. If they think it is a medical 
clinic there are a whole set of rules that 
relate to that.

* Gandharva Veda melodies help the growth of 
the plants as well as making them more nutritious.

* We don't mind being costly as long as we are 
supportive to life. What we offer has to be 
supportive to the *Vedic* life. We have to offer 
that which is *most* costly: bliss, enlightenment, 

* Really for peace to be enjoyed on earth, 
reconstruction is a VITAL POINT. Without proper 
Vastu there will always be problems. Those who 
*really* want to be peaceful in life have to 
live in Vastu.

Those should keep you busy for a while...  :-)

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