--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:

> Turq's on record here naysaying just about every sort of moral; does anyone 
> here think he'd pass up hitting on some girl who's, say, distraught, or, way 
> drunk, or, otherwise momentarily vulnerable? 

Yes I'm certain he would pass up hitting on the drunk or distraught.
Because that is abuse and what Turq is talking about is fun between
consenting adults. You have to have no respect at all for women to take 
advantage like this (it's illegal now too)

Seems to me like there is a lot of sexism in your post Edg, you 
seem to be assuming that women aren't capable of deciding for themselves who 
they want to spend the night with and that they 
are easily persuaded otherwise. The world has moved on from this
50's morality of dumb broads waiting for men to flex their biceps
or open their laptops.

> Fuck, walk into any Starbucks and look at the guys with their laptops.  
> Fucking look at them will ya?  Who the fuck goes to a crowded coffee shop to 
> do serious work?  These guys are looking for women. Do it.  Go there and 
> simply look at what the guys do with their eyes. 

Guys looking at girls? I'm shocked, truly. How will the 
world survive this outrage.

PS I use a copy of The Guardian, does it work better with a 

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