--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
<dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> Om, that's cool.  A meditating status does help puts a
> useful context to some of the criticism that often goes
> on here. Provides an insight of context.  Current meditator,
> has-been meditator, and non-meditator. Status helps put a
> different scope on it when someone writes some critical or
> even hating meditation stuff. Is nice to be able to separate
> the meditators here from the non-meditators at the git-go.
> Who is who here.


It's often difficult to tell when you're
doing one of your put-ons and when you're
serious and when you think you're doing
one of your put-ons but are serious. I'm
going to assume that this latest thing
is one of the latter.

I honestly don't believe that "meditator
vs. non-meditator" proves anything except
an elitist bias in the person who might
believe it proves something. It's as silly
a black/white, either/or set of boxes as
any I've ever heard of. Have you ever seen
any evidence that long-term meditators are
consistently any different than anyone
else? I haven't.

However, if creating little boxes and
putting people in them is your schtick,
I think you might do better with boxes
*within* the community of TM meditators.
I can think of several. I leave it to you to,
after you've identified all the meditators,
scan the list of them and put each one in
the box most suited to them in my scheme
of things.

I know who my nominees for each box are,
but I figure it will be more fun if everyone
gets to populate them themselves. It'll be
even more fun seeing who gets all uptight
for being placed in one of the boxes by me,
when I didn't put them there. They did, by
getting uptight about it.  :-)

The Intellect-Challenged. This box is
filled with individuals who have demon-
strated not only a shocking lack of
knowledge about spirituality as a whole
but also about TM spirituality. One of
the qualities of people in this box is
that not only do they rarely read or try
to learn new things, they look down on
learning new things. They honestly feel
that either what they know now is suf-
ficient and will be "enough" for the
rest of their lives, or that anything
they don't know now will just "come to
them" as a kind of "seeing." The fact
*that* they "see" it makes it true.

The Intellect-Trapped. This box contains
those who are...uh...trapped in their
own intellects. Not only that, they are
*proud* of being trapped in their intel-
lects, and go on and on making excuses
for it. You can usually tell these people
by 1) a need to "defend" anything that
their intellect believes, 2) a need to
defend the intellect itself as good, and
3) an even stronger need to "prove" that
anyone who believes something different
than their intellect believes has something
wrong with them. Interestingly, whereas
The Intellectually-Challenged sometimes
display real emotion, The Intellect-
Trapped rarely do. It's as if the only
emotion they can feel is the kind they
"jumpstart" themselves with an injection
of faux bhakti or manufactured outrage.
Also, interestingly enough, IMO The
Intellectually-Challenged are probably
more likely to eventually realize enlight-
enment because they're not smart enough
to do anything other than what they were
told to do. Whereas The Intellect-Trapped
constantly invent ways to block the
enlightenment process because they're so
afraid that it would mean loss of ego and
thus loss of intellect. The Intellect-
Trapped like to "win;" if there is no
debate or argument going on, they'll
provoke one and claim to have won it.

The Fearless. The folks in this box aren't
really in a box. They got fed up with boxes
a while ago and don't have much to do with
them any more. They're pretty nice people,
and don't see meditation as the center of
their lives; instead, they see meditation
as merely one of the things they do that
helps to center their lives, along with
love, family, having fun, and above all
being themselves. They almost never argue
because unlike the two previous groups
they've got nothing to "prove." So far,
the folks in this group are the only ones
you'd want to have a drink with.

The Lasher-Outers. The folks in this box
look down on and resent anyone who is
"off the program" or, worse, appears to
be having fun. The people in the first two
boxes do this, too, but what makes this box
unique is that the majority of folks in it
are lurkers who rarely post *except* to
lash out. That's *their* idea of fun. And
being "on the program."

So, I've reacted to Doug's attempt to divide
the world into the "meditator box" and the
"non-meditator box" by creating my own
"meditator sub-boxes." Now you can file
your favorite FFL posters in them. Or
invent your own. I'm sure there are many
more such "meditator sub-boxes," but
I'm already bored with the subject.  :-)

Or you could just lash out. But you know
what box that'll put you in...  :-)

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