--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> Randy
> Good to have someone else questioning Vaj's BS. 
> Please join us if you can and keep this rabid skunk
> under some kind  of control by questioning and examining
> his every claim and assertion. Odious-vajra-duta had
> proved to not only to be rabid but also dishonest. We
> need help maintaining some type of vigilance here.

Second the motion. A few of us here who have no
basis of knowledge to challenge his pronouncements
on other traditions have found him to be grossly
dishonest in areas we *do* know about, including
(but by no means limited to) misrepresenting what
has been said on this forum in the past. Naturally
this has given us good reason to suspect that his
discourses on other traditions that contrast TM
with them unfavorably may not be clean as the
driven snow either.

Like Randy, I have no problem with someone being
critical of TM or MMY or the TMO. I do have a 
problem with dishonest and unfair criticism of TM/
MMY/the TMO (or of anything else, for that matter).

Life is tough enough when everyone is being as
honest, sincere, and fair as they possibly can be.
There's no excuse for making it even tougher.

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