--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:


> I say there's little distinction between posting links to porn and posting
> actual porn. I don't see how the site Shemp linked to provided any useful
> embellishment of his point. We all know or can imagine what porn looks like,
> and if we don't, we can find it easily enough ourselves. We don't need FFL
> to provide links. 


Oh, but you do.

I was trying to make a point the same way Jesse Helms made a point back in I 
believe it was the '80s when he went around the Senate floor with about 5 or 6 
8X10 glossies of Robert Mapplethorpe photos.

If you don't know who Mapplethorpe is or why he was controversial, you need to 
research it (I can't because for me to provide you with the links would be 
violating the new FFL guidelines that Rick just instituted.)

Helm's point wasn't that Mapplethorpe's photos should be banned; au contraire, 
every time Helms talked about it he made a point that he would defend 
Mapplethorpe's right to the death to make the kind of photos that he did.

What Helms wanted to do was shock his fellow senators into NOT approving 
government "arts" funding for those venues (e.g. Museums, art galleries) that 
were to show Mapplethorpe exhibits.  His stand was: since the government 
doesn't have unlimited resources and in arts funding always has to make 
subjective choices about who and what does and does not get funding, he 
believed the government, through its elected representatives, had the right to 
choose NOT to fund certain types of art, such as Mapplethorpe photos.

Well, needless to say, all it took to get through his point was one or two 
glimpses at the photos to get a senator to agree with him.

I'm not saying I'm for or against gay marriage; what I'm saying is if you hold 
it to be equal to heterosexual marriage then you should treat gay porn just as 
you would hetero porn...and if looking at it shocks you, well then, good, you 
may have to rethink your position.

My post came on the heels of just such a discussion regarding equality of gay 
marriage to heterosexual marriage.

Did we not just have an extensive conversation on FFL about that Prejean woman 
who was in racy photos and was recently removed as Miss California?  I'll bet 
that there was at least one link to her photos on this forum so that people 
could make up their own minds about her alleged culpability in the issue.

Well, you've taken away MY ability to sway people one way or the other on THIS 

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