Thursday, June 25, 2009
We Have/Have We ...Arrived?

I know what your thinking...

June 21st came and went, and things feel...if anything...worse.

What the?

Tho technically I am reporting to you from a new timeline, like many
of you, my body has not quite had the full pleasure of catching up to please bear with me as I try to type between naps.

Based on the high-speed inter-connectivity of the new energy grid, I
know that many of you are feeling the same sluggishness coupled with
fatigue, aching muscles and bones, sleepiness/lessness, toxicity,
irritability with a dash of resentment, and overall low
for those of you who can barely make it out of bed to the computer, I
hear you... and this message is for you.

What happened?

We are adjusting to the new frequencies and for many... it flat-out

To apply a well-overused metaphor, the solstice on June 21st was kind
of like that last labor push where you have no idea where/how you will
find even a shred of energy to birth this new life, but somehow,
somewhere, something deep inside of you takes over and carries you
through to the other side.

Only in my metaphor, we are both the birth-er and the birth- birth to ourselves in some morphological and oddly
understandable way ...which really means that we get to experience
both the labor pains AND the physical (and shocking) transition into a
new space. (Kids: don't try this at home)

Where are we?

We have officially landed.

What now?

Choose to rest as though you had a choice in the matter.

Collectively, we just (willingly?) ventured through an ass-kicking
portal that served up quite an assortment of non-pleasures. And unless
you are uber-sensitive, where we are now does not feel much different
than where we were all-May-long...the only real discernible difference
is that the discomfort has intensified.

Please realize that this experience is totally not a blanket
statement, just an explanation of my connection to, and assessment of
energy as I perceive the majority of starseeds/lightworkers
experiencing it. In opposition to this, I have also heard from some,
though few, who said that June 1st actually marked the beginning of
the new for them, and from others that forward movement and
manifestation has finally returned and that things are falling
perfectly into place.

You are certainly not an outcast if you DO NOT feel like a total
misery-magnet right now...we all have different and perfect timing and
in the grand scheme of things, the solstice served as a general
marker, an energetic gateway to walk through, integrate and experience
new lands.

That said, things will balance out shortly for the rest of us
slowpokes and manifestation will soon become effortless again... right
after these bulky flesh-suits complete the final extraction of those
cellular memories that have been trapped in 3D, and that shaped our
past realities through polarity.

Keep in mind, as with the entire climb in consciousness thus far, that
each time we ascend to a higher vibration our physical bodies must re-
calibrate, restructure and balance-out based on new and higher
dimensional commands. Each and every cell is in constant communication
with our consciousness, so as we release fear-based energies and
cellular memories of discordance, our bodies must adapt and reform to
match the new & higher vibration of self.

The physical symptoms from squeezing through the solstice vary, as
always, but the most intense (for me) and widely reported seem to be
flu-like fatigue and overall aching/soreness...and I mean
everywhere... like...even my hair hurts.

This is completely normal with the dumping of so many energetic and
physical toxins (healing crisis), so if you are feeling like you just
had major surgery, know that in some ways you have
successfully excised the final physical impressions of a life outworn.

Other symptoms to note are greatly related to the electrical rewiring
and grounding process: muscle twitches, sore/tight/stiff neck &
shoulders, 3d eye openings/clearings (dizziness/unsteadiness/sinus
discomfort/popping in and out of dimensions/timelines..aka
disorientation), heart/thymus openings (palpitations/middle back
soreness/heartburn/indigestion), root chakra openings/clearings
( lower back aching/soreness/pain, intestinal clearings, bloating/
weight gain, skin eruptions/itching, menstrual-type cramps, sciatica,
leg pains/soreness), etc.

The other side

June 22nd, the new moon in Cancer, marked the beginning of the next
phase of our journey...the creation of spiritual mastery in form! This
means, among other things, that very soon we will look in the mirror
and see the person we always knew was there, but was desperately
striving to meet us in the other words, we will finally
see the outer reflection of all our internal work.

On the morning of the new moon I awoke to a chatty team of overzealous
invisibles who were cheering me on like some maniacal Manchester
United soccer fan. Because I felt like I had been hit by a minivan, I
found it very difficult to share in their enthusiasm, but
apparently...and according to them... this day marked the beginning of
the rest of our lives...and they desperately wanted us to know it...

Here's a short excerpt from that communication:

"The journey into oneness has completed itself for the warriors of the
new way. For this brigade, life will be structured by different means
and each of you will be well supported and well cared for in this
place you call home.

Where each of you had been stationed for most of your earthly life
thus far, was far from what you remember, but now you have arrived. We
are so elated at what's in store that it is hard to conceal our
excitement, however, we will say this...that you are bound to be
astonished at what you have achieved.

Through each act of divine grace, you will be bestowed upon as though
you have never experienced strife.

You will have each step before you planned out according to your
intentions, and melded with the forces that be, so that your only role
from now onward will be to effortlessly follow the path that is laid
before you.

By default, each step will be aligned with the highest good and you
will understand the true meaning of earthly abundance as never before.

What is most notable will be the way that you feel and respond to it
all... for it will seem as though you have always managed such divine

And herein lies the proof of mastery...not that you have become
ascended masters, but that you always have been."

Not sure I can top that...

peace out,

P.S. I will have much more to report after the integration
completion...aka, when I have conscious control over my limbs...stay


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