--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
> >
> >  The hatred has more to do with envy and jealousy...
> I agree. The hatred of Buddhism on this forum,
> as displayed by Nabby and Robert and others, 
> DOES have its roots in envy and jealousy. 
> TMers seem challenged by the fact that many 
> Buddhist practitioners seem to overcome their 
> compulsive behavior and long-term TMers don't, 
> so they respond by practicing classic religious 
> bigotry against the obviously more effective
> tradition.
> As an exercise, mentally rewrite Robert's post 
> below and imagine it talking about Jews and
> Judaism. I think that'll show it for what it 
> really is, and him for what *he* really is. 
> Nabby's got an excuse -- he's German, and as 
> history shows us, Germans are predisposed to 
> religious hatred, bigotry, and intolerance. 
> What's Robert's excuse...that he moodmakes a 
> past life in Germany?
> Me, I'm not a Buddhist (and neither is Vaj, as
> we have both said many times), so their put-
> downs of Buddhism trying to get a rise out of 
> us DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE. But I really 
> wonder whether they *realize* that the things 
> they are saying about Buddhism out of jealousy 
> and envy really ARE in the same ballpark as the 
> things their fellow Nazis said about Jews? 
> (snip)

This is pretty deep stuff, you refer to her, Turq...

Thanks for taking the time, to psychoanalyze my trip.

My sister is also into Buddhism, so I have this conversation with her a lot...

And she has made progress, so I respect her practice, and her advice, when she 
offers it to me, usually...

I have a warm feeling toward Judaism because of it's ancient-ness, and the 
feeling I get in the old Temples...

My 'mood-making' of a past life, has it's origins in this life, where I was 
made to feel 'less then' because I was Jewish, growing up in a 'Christian' 
area, and was picked by some of the bullies in the 'hood' where I grew up, in a 
hard core area, in the 1960's...
To try and make sense, out of some of the experiences of this lifetime, I came 
to understand, that I might have some kind of history, in another lifetime...

I am aware that Maharishi, said not to put too much attention on past lives, as 
we might be sickened, if we knew the details...and he probably has a good 
point, there, as he usually did...

I have nothing against Buddha or Jesus or any of the other Masters...
I just feel that religion, watered down the whole thing to make it digestable, 
to the masses..

Even Dom Thomas, when he visited MIU, told us, how watered down the Catholic 
Religion is...

 Like the Dalai Lama, who has labeled himself...'The 14th Incarnation of You 
Know Who!'
Of course Mr.Lama isn't mood making right?
Sure, I follow the logic, here? '
Yeah, right...

Maybe if I drink some alcohol, I would be more clear on the mood-making thing...

Or, maybe, if I had some really good sex, with a really young woman, then I 
wouldn't be so susceptible to this anti-religious mood-making...

Wasn't George Carlin, just saying the same thing, about organized 
religion...that's it's all just a big scam?

We here, in America, no longer get into the mood-making, too much...
Just turn on the game, have a beer, and take a blue pill and have wonderful 
sex...That's the beginning and the end of it...no mood-making there!
Reincarnation, naw...
Ya only live once, 
So, get back Jack, and do it again...

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