--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii...@...> wrote:
>  The hatred has more to do with envy and jealousy...
> Whereas, Mahrishi was an actual living Buddha, in our midst...
> And we had the opportunity, to seat at the feet, of an actual Buddha...
> Whereas the so-called Buddhists, would sit at the feet of a dead statue or 
> facsimile of their so-called Buddha...the flatness and deadness of that 
> experience, needed to express it's frustration, somewhere...
> And where better to express their hatred, rage and frustration, then to the 
> ones, who actually had a Living Master, and not just a statue plastic 
> fantastic image, with no human emotions, whatsoever....
> For some people, who are afraid of real emotion, it is easier to cling to an 
> emotionless statue, with no human feelings, whatsoever...which they assume, 
> in their emotionless state, that they associate that with 
> Enlightenment or deny that Enlightenment even exists...
> Buddhism is an 'Empty Religion of Mind/Emotion Vagueness'


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