--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> >
> > ---all good points, but the case hasn't been effectively advanced for the 
> > benefits of Gnosis, Self-Knowledge; whether it be through TM, Eckart Tolle, 
> > or some other non-dualist source.  Does such Knowledge provide a "head of 
> > the line pass" at long check-out lines? Does it cure diseases, help people 
> > get jobs?
Meditation and Spiritual Study, can't be compared to traditional education that 
prepares you for a job in society...
How could something that originated with Guru Dev, who, as a personality, was 
about as far as you can get, from being a productive member of society...
If he were born in this country, he would either be put on Ritalin, or 
committed to a mental institution, so he would 'get with the program'...
Jesus explained the difference between serving spirit and serving Mammon...
The TM Movement is just a mirror reflection of the culture, as a whole...
You could see the beginnings of the slip/sliding away of the movement, as you 
could see the beginnings of the slip/sliding away, of American Culture, with 
Reaganism, and the selling out to the corporations and drug dealing weapons 
suppliers, and fear and war-mongers, and people who want to keep the medical 
system with it's passion for life and death decisions, in the hands of the 
If some TM teachers what to teach TM, on their own, they can, and can charge 
any amount they wish...
It's not so much the TM culture, it's the whole damn culture...
They are not interested...there's too much noise in the system...
To many are brainwashed into thinking materially, that they can't even conceive 
of devoting themselves to anything, that is not material in nature...
So, that's the way it is...

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