On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 2:03 PM, do.rflex <do.rf...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> MUMBAI : Indian astrologers are predicting violence and turmoil across the
> world as a result of this week's total solar eclipse, which the
> superstitious and religious view as a sign of potential doom.

Let me get this straight.  This is what we're meditating twice a day to

> In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow" the
> sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to
> become inedible and water undrinkable.

Anyone dumb enough to eat that food or drink that water is fulfilling the
Darwin Principle.

> Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors to prevent their babies
> developing birth defects, while prayers, fasting and ritual bathing,
> particularly in holy rivers, are encouraged.

Stay indoors but take ritual baths in rivers.  So these people have their
houses built upon rivers?

> Astrologers have predicted a rise in communal and regional violence in the
> days following the eclipse, particularly in India, China and other Southeast
> Asian nations where it can be seen on Wednesday morning.

We're talking India and Asia.  Do the Indians ever vote a politician out of
office any other way but being dispatched by their Sikh bodyguards?

> Mumbai astrologer Raj Kumar Sharma predicted "some sort of attack by
> (Kashmiri separatists) Jaish-e-Mohammad or Al-Qaeda on Indian soil" and a
> devastating natural disaster in Southeast Asia.

This is like predicting day follows night (except in times of eclipse).

> An Indian political leader could be killed, he said, and tension between
> the West and Iran is likely to increase, escalating into possible US
> military action after September 9, when fiery Saturn moves from Leo into
> Virgo.

This is the way of Indian politics.

> "The last 200 years, whenever Saturn has gone into Virgo there has been
> either a world war or a mini world war," he told AFP.

Plus or minus 100 years of the even, I suspect.

> *"Primarily, what we see with all these soothsayers and astrologers is
> that they're looking for opportunities to enhance their business with
> predictions of danger and calamity*," he told AFP.
> "They have been very powerful in India but over the last decade they have
> been in systematic decline."

But there's hope.  There's Maharishi Jyotish.

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