Robert wrote:
> --- In, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
>> The people who are paying these taxes will have to realize that marijuana is 
>> still illegal in the eyes of the federal government.  They may get nabbed by 
>> federal agents if they're not careful, or clueless.
>> (snip)
> The Obama administration has called off the Reagan dogs, in regards to the 
> Feds, breaking into clinics in California...
> They are taking the position, that the states have a right to their vote...
> So, I doubt the Feds are interested in pursuing marijuana cases...
> The District Attorney of Dane Co. in Madison, WI, has refused to prosecute 
> marijuana cases here...
> Also, marijuana is decriminalized in Denver, Colorado, because the police 
> chief there, finds it less harmful then alcohol, and causing less violence, 
> accidents and everything associated with alcohol...
> r.g.
Yeh, let's all get stoned and got tear down the town ...... or maybe go 
grab something to eat instead.  ;-)

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