--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> Robert wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >   
> >> The people who are paying these taxes will have to realize that marijuana 
> >> is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government.  They may get 
> >> nabbed by federal agents if they're not careful, or clueless.
> >> (snip)
> >>     
> > The Obama administration has called off the Reagan dogs, in regards to the 
> > Feds, breaking into clinics in California...
> > They are taking the position, that the states have a right to their vote...
> > So, I doubt the Feds are interested in pursuing marijuana cases...
> > The District Attorney of Dane Co. in Madison, WI, has refused to prosecute 
> > marijuana cases here...
> > Also, marijuana is decriminalized in Denver, Colorado, because the police 
> > chief there, finds it less harmful then alcohol, and causing less violence, 
> > accidents and everything associated with alcohol...
> > r.g.
> Yeh, let's all get stoned and got tear down the town ...... or maybe go 
> grab something to eat instead.  ;-)
...marijuana generally elicits a peaceful response in people, and sometimes, 
will open up the higher chakras...

There was no one tearing anything down at Woodstock...

Alcohol, on the other hand, leads people down all kinds of dark roads...because 
it cuts off the higher chakras, and empowers the lower ones...it is associated 
with all kinds of violence and even demonic possessions and 'Black-Outs', where 
the soul actually leaves the body, and people do things, that they don't even 
remember doing...
When you go into a bar, you are opening yourself to all kinds of bad influences 
there...it's just a fact.
Alcohol and pharm drugs have become the mainstream in keeping Americans drunk 
and sleep walking....
Check out what happened in the 1800's, when the drunken Irish mobs, burnt down 
the black sections of New York City...
Check out how the Nazis, used to get drunk, before doing their demonic 
deeds...and in order to black out their memories of such deeds...
Marijuana needs to be legalized in the United States, and this would be a 
necessary step, in cleaning up the mafia influence, as well as the medicinal 
benefits, which would replace, many more harmful and addictive pharma drugs...

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