> [Although, FWIW, I would not at all be surprised if Hagelin bailed one of 
> these days. Of the three (Hagelin, Morris, Ram), I think he is the  only one 
> with the strength to do so and definitely the only one with any chance of 
> making it in the real world.  Given the culture Ram comes from, if he 
> prostrates himself again and again and again....(something he should  be used 
> to by now) before his family and if they have money, he would be covered, I 
> guess.]
Hagelin is an interesting case. I think there is some part of him which is 
dimly aware that he's spouting junk. All that time with proper scientists and 
having to do hard calculations must have left an impression somewhere. He's the 
one who has to work hardest to keep himself convinced of what he's saying 
because he does have the intelligence and the training to work out that it's 
garbage. The others, Bevan and Tony, don't have the intellect to appreciate 
fine points of reason and logic.

Hagelin keeps himself convinced by making lots of speeches to people who know 
little or nothing about science and getting plenty of adulation from the 
credulous. "All these people think I'm wonderful therefore I must be right" is 
the rather distorted reasoning going on there. If he withdrew from the adoring 
crowds and sat down with a pencil and paper to work things out he might start 
having doubts

Of the other characters, Tony is quite a mild mannered person, even if he 
doesn't have the training and natural aptitude to spot that his ideas are 
garbage, he does at least have the temperament to stop the wilder nutjobs at 
Vlodrop getting too far out of sync with reality. Seeing as he wears a crown 
and issues "decrees" that's a relative thing only by comparison with people 
like Schiffgens, Konhaus and  Morris who really are out of it.


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