On Aug 11, 2009, at 2:51 PM, guyfawkes91 wrote:

> What would be better; the continuation of Kali Yuga or accepting Bevan as a fact ?
Bevan is the essence of Kali Yuga. He's the leader of the nutjob faction in Vlodrop. He's the main obstruction that's stopping the TMO move towards becoming more acceptable to the public and for people who have learned TM going on to become teachers. Tony Nader wanted to drop the prices so more people would learn and Bevan wouldn't allow it, though I hear that he's now been overruled.

Just to put things in context, everything from Christianity, Islam...and TM Org / Neo-vaishnavism are ALL religions of the Kali yuga, what some traditional yogis have referred to as the "black dharmas", meaning the dharmas or religions of the dark age. The TM Org may invoke the Vedas, but other than the Vedic yagyas everything is merely a mythical Vedism, born and bred in the Kali yuga.

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