From: []
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 3:29 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: It was good enough for Senators Obama and
Thanks, Judy. She's living with a girlfriend. Her two youngest kids are with
her. She's on antidepressants. Psychological counseling is an unbelievably
remote possibility considering her circumstances. She's unemployed and on
foodstamps. My mother, brother and I send her some money to get by, but
that's about it. 

She has a case worker through social services, but I don't know how much
good that will do. As shocking as this may sound, her previous caseworker
tried to force her to give him a blow job. She filed a police report. Since
it was just he-said she-said, they didn't do anything about it. He still has
his job. That gives you an idea of how impoverished social services have
become in Michigan. 

We don't know if the boyfriend is still in jail. I hope he stays in there
long enough that she doesn't feel tempted to go back to him. As crazy as
that sounds, it happens all the time. Abused women have so few resources,
they become dependent on the abuser.
I was listening to Eckhart Tolle talk about the pain body today in his book,
"A New Earth," and the discussion made me think of your niece. If you like,
I'll lend you the CD's.

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