I don't understand what or who "mud people" are.

Please elaborate.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
<bill.hicks.all.a.r...@...> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 10:22 PM, ShempMcGurk <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
> > My first reaction to the fascinating post below is that ever since the 
> > advent of all the "extras" that the TMO sells and emphasizes these days -- 
> > schtapatyaveda, ayurveda, yagyas, sidhis, etc. etc. -- has, simply, watered 
> > down the core message of TM.  Not only are people NOT starting TM in droves 
> > they way they did in the '70s but those that do start, such as the students 
> > described here, don't put much priority on it BECAUSE THE TMO DOESN'T 
> > EITHER.  I mean, how can they when the message is watered down with all 
> > this other stuff.  You can't say out of one side of your mouth that 
> > capturing the fort with 20 minutes of TM is all you need to have access to 
> > the goldmines that are in control of the fort and then, out of the other 
> > side of your mouth, sell and promote all those goldmines as "extras".  
> > Something's gotta give, and in this case it's TM.
> >
> TM meditators were in the eyes of Maharishi lower than whale shit.  I
> remember how low I was.  Locked out of courses, couldn't see tapes,
> which tapes I can't understand why they need to be kept from the whale
> shit.  Couldn't attend meetings, WPAs.  It got down to a residence
> course a year offered at MIU if you were lucky.  And the residence
> courses were offered for rising sidhas and as infomercials for the
> sidhis.
> So MUM can't have it both ways.  There's no equation to factor
> meditators into the Dome numbers.  The TMers don't count.
> Furthermore, when I go to the mens dorms, I don't see a single white
> face.  Well, now there's one, an RA who's on IA.  They are all mud
> people who came here because someone else was paying.  These people
> don't give a shit for MUM, Fairfield, Iowa, the United States or TM.
> They came to get what they could because they couldn't join a pirate
> ship or score it big spending spam as a solicitor looking to smuggle
> money out of their countries.
> Arise, wretched of the earth
> Arise, convicts of hunger
> Reason thunders in its crater
> This is the eruption of the end
> Of the past let us wipe the slate clean
> Enslaved masses, arise, arise
> The world is about to change its foundation
> We are nothing, let us be all
> This is the final struggle
> Let us group together, and tomorrow  The Internationale
> Will be the human race.

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