Mike Dixon wrote:
> > ...kill them and anybody around them, with drone 
> attacks.
It's going to be real interesting to see how the 
prosecution is going to keep out of court how the 
U.S. tried to kill KSM even before he was arrested,
when there was no state of war declared by the U.S.

How the shooting of a drone into an Pakistan village 
at suspects, and inadvertently killing women and 
children and innocent bystanders, isn't going to 
look good in the court record. 

It's probably illegal as hell to shoot a drone at 
any 'non-enemy combatant'. And that kind of action
probably won't stand up in the International Court. 

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Obama is marched 
off to prison himself for authorizing drone attacks 
against suspects on foreign soil. In a civilian
court in the U.S., it's usually a big deal if you're 
shot at with a U.S. military drone, BEFORE YOUR 
TRIAL even begins!!!

"But the president of the United States cannot say 
that because he is over-invested in a fantasy – that, 
if only that Texan moron Bush had read Khalid Sheikh 
Mohammed his Miranda rights and bowed as low as 
Obama did to the Saudi king, we wouldn't have all 
these problems. ...."

Read more:

'Obama can't say who we're at war with'
By Mark Steyn
Orange County Register, January 8, 2010

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