> > > > If he had full American constitutional rights he
> > > > would have already have been freed, since there's
> > > > not one shred of evidence that wasn't obtained
> > > > without coercion, that is presentable in a U.S. 
> > > > Court, that he committed any crimes in the U.S.
> > > 
> > > You mean, aside from his formal, on-the-record plea
> > > to be allowed, along with four of his fellow detainees,
> > > to plead guilty to the charges against him?
> > > 
> > > http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/09/us/09gitmo.html
> > >
> > Key words here: torture and coercion.
> > 
> > Confessions made uner torture are not admissible
> > in U.S. courts.
> >
> This plea wasn't made under torture.
KSM and his family got shot at by a drone and then
after he was kidnapped, the CIA abused his wife and
children, denying them food and water for days. 

He was locked up, naked, in a secret prison for a 
year, and then tortured 183 times, and kept in 
isolation for what, seven years, without the benefit 
of an attorney or even a Red Cross nurse and THEN he 

He's probably stark-raving mad by now with huge
delusions of grandeur - he wants to be a martyr for
the cause - nothing he says now could even be 
considered to be free-will statements. Almost 
everything KSM confessed to was probably just 

"One CIA official cautioned that "many of Mohammed's 
claims during interrogation were 'white noise' 
designed to send the U.S. on wild goose chases or 
to get him through the day's interrogation session."

Read more:

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed:

It's too late, the U.S. Government blew it big time 
- KSM should have received a prompt military trial 
as an enemy combatant and them promptly executed. 

What purpose does it serve to give KSM full U.S. 
civil rights? It just doesn't make any sense. In 
fact, it's a mockery, since the U.S. has not 
declared war on anyone. 

Al Qaeda wanted a large soap box and now they have 
one. This will make the 'Abu Grab' scandal look like 
a picnic! If 9-11 was a case of civil crime, then
we should have let Interpol take care of it.

What good does it do to invade Afghanistan, when the 
terrorists can set up a 'camp' anywhere? It was 
probably all a big mistake - we should vote all the 
bums out that got us into this mess! Somebody has 
got to pay for this gigantic screw-up!

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