> > The sacrifice of thoughts, al la TM, is the 
> > *ideal* yajna...
> >
> I think your posts are the *most* guaranteed to 
> crack me up Willy.
But unlike Curtis, you don't seem to have a lick of 
talent, even for a chat room. That's what really 
cracks me up!

> You're a scream, where do you get it from?
Let's see if we can bring the conversation down to 
your level: 

Every time you evacuate your bowels, you've done a
'yagya', a sacrifice. You must sacrifice the turds 
to the Turd God. You must give up the turds, you 
can't keep them inside you forever.

You act, but you do not control the fruits of your 
actions. All human excrement always flows downstream. 
Once released, you have no control over the effluent.
So, it would be more ethical if you knew the real
destination of your deposits and your used corn cobs 
BEFORE you do the releasing. It's that simple.  

It works the same way with your thoughts, Hugo.

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