--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
>  From "Adam"
> TM definitely induces and extremely relaxing state of body and mind, 

Many seem to agree
> but it induces mental fogginess.

Not my experience, or that of most I've encountered. 

> The effect of TM on me was to make me increasingly angry and  
> confused. I started shouting at my family more and more. 

Some people turn purple when they eat peanuts. If that's his
experience, that's his experience. I'm not prepared to 
seriously entertain that as typical.

> Eventally  
> after a year and a half or so I decided to give it up without knowing  
> quite why – a decision I am very grateful for.

Good decision by the sound of it.

> Susequently I started going to Buddhist classes and was taught a very  
> simple breathing meditation which has helped me far more than TM ever  
> did. Although the money has never been an issue of me, it is perhaps  
> worth noting that for the Buddhist classes I was only charged £4 per  
> class – significantly less than I paid for TM.

But it's not about the money?
> What really was significant for me was that the simple breathing  
> meditation taught to me through Buddhism was far better for me in  
> terms of gaining a sense of clarity of mind than TM had ever been. 

Fair dinkum.
> Also of vital significance was that far from telling me that  
> conscious though was the problem Buddhism taught me to use conscious  
> thought to understand and resolve my problems, both in and outside of  
> meditation.

Seems confused.

> People need to be discerning customers when it comes to meditation as  
> not all meditations are the same. Any meditation technique can be  
> harmful if practised over-zealously.

A truism.

> If people want a simple meditation that will enable them to develop  
> and maintain peace of mind I would recommend that they try to attend  
> introductory classes on Buddhist meditation which will introduce them  
> to breathing meditation as taught in most traditions of Buddhism.

And why not. But how far he can generalise to others from his
apparently idiosyncratic experience seems questionable.

Or is everyone else here shouting at their families after their 
20 minutes TM?

It seems a desperate thing to post Vaj.

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