--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> > Trivedi was up visiting on campus this morning and they hooked 
> > him up to Fred Travis' equipment.  Fred confirmed Trivedi is 
> > functioning at a very high level.
> > 
> > A Coup of TM-movement.  
> = shaktipat
> measured by the researchers up on campus and fred travis said 
> "he had never seen anything like this" as he measured trivedi 
> giving "blessings" to people.
> Somebody by e-mail on the side saying:
> "...in my experience it was pretty astonishing level of shaktipat 
> (what he calls a "blessing)."  

Am I alone here in seeing this fascination with a 
traveling scam artist who can generate a little 
shakti as a sign of desperation?

I mean, isn't it a sad commentary on the 40-year
history of the TM movement that after all this
time the few lingering True Believers get all 
excited by 1) an experience that is considered
elementary in most other spiritual traditions, 
and 2) still Somebody Else's Experience.

All these years, all these decades, and people
are still getting their spiritual jollies *second 

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