On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Rick Archer <r...@searchsummit.com> wrote:

>  I have a letter percolating in the back of my brain which I would send to
> Jerry, Bobby Roth, Keith Wallace, and John Hagelin, addressing ways in which
> the movement might be transformed and resuscitated, if conservative forces
> within it would allow. If I write it, I'll post it here and we can all hash
> it out together before I send it.
I filter out posts by and to Edg so I guess I missed the great Truth and
Reconciliation Edg had with Jerry Jarvis.  Would someone send me the message
number of the transcript of this summit?  I assumed that meeting was what
started this all.  Except I don't think there's anything to this.  Pressure
is being relieved in Sector 4, Quadrant 11 and that's all.  Nothing more.

There was all this talk in the Dome right after Maharishi passed about the
TMO doing business with and paying for consultations with the unclean.  The
Whole Foods, Trader Vics execs and the like.  Amrit on the shelf in every
health food, drugstore and chemist shop in the world.  Believe it or not
Whole Foods where I live used to actually stock MAPI products.  Wanna guess
what came of all the talk of consorting with the great unwashed?

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do
not."~Thomas Jefferson

"Those who trade liberty for security have neither." ~ John Adams

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