--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> Whatever happened to casual conversation?

Gee, there's plenty of it here. Not sure how you've managed
to miss it.

> We seem to be in an age of "exactitude" where everybody so
> concerned that they may be wrong about something they spend
> time looking stuff up on Google before they post.

You seem to be reading an entirely different forum than I am.

> Imagine if we were trying to have a conversation around a
> table in restaurant or bar this way.  Everyone would be
> jumping on their laptop, tablet or smartphone before they
> said a word.

What more often happens, here and in live conversations,
is that someone will say something that someone else
finds dubious, and one or the other or both will check
the Web to see if it can be verified.

Of course, live conversations have a very different
dynamic than those on electronic forums. In a live
conversation, you get a response right away, whereas on
an electronic forum there's usually a delay. So Web-
checking tends to interrupt the flow of live 
conversations, but not of electronic ones.

Several participants here would *benefit* from doing
their Web checking before they post, though. They tend 
to spout off without having their facts in hand. And
there's no point in having a discussion about, say,
why over half of U.S. adults are taking prescription
antidepressants, or why the U.S. has spent over half its
GDP since WWII on defense, or how Obama managed to beat
Hillary in a landslide in the primaries, if none of 
these is actually the case (all three--and many more--
from just one participant here).

You can't have rational conversations when you have
folks like this participating unless you have a way
to determine what the real facts are.

Of course, sometimes it doesn't help to check the Web.
In searching for information about a <spit> feminist
blogger, one person here found a photo of her on a blog
accompanying a post trashing Obama, and assumed it was
her blog and her post. This person then made a post on
FFL trashing the <spit> feminist blogger at length for
being an Obama-hating <spit> Hillary-lover.

Unfortunately, it was the blog and the post of a rather
well-known male rightwinger, and his post was trashing
the <spit> feminist blogger for having made a pro-Obama,
anti-Palin post on *her* blog.

Doing Google searches is pretty much useless, in other
words, if you don't actually read the material you find.

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