--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> You just think you can evaluate things because you have Google. 
> You mistake information for context and it makes you feel smart 
> when you are clueless. 

Excellent point.

Google is like the curtain that the "wizard" hides
behind in The Wizard Of Oz. And the person behind
the curtain *likes* the curtain and *hates* "Pay
no attention to the man behind the curtain" because 
the curtain hides the fact that there was never ary
reason why anyone *should* have paid attention to 
him in the first place. The only thing he's *ever*
done is sit behind a curtain and Google shit. :-)

There are whole generations of people now who don't
feel that there is any difference between "Live" and
"Memorex." When it comes to searching for information
to bolster their rants, prejudices, and to help them
"win" their petty tyrant battles, Google is *enough*
for them to consider themselves an expert, someone
who *should* be paid attention to. 

Such people really, really, really don't like it when
someone pulls back the curtain and points out that 
the person being so "authoritative" about a subject
*knows nothing about it but what they read on Google*.

What these kinds of people *DO* with the information
they mistake for context and real knowledge is 
another matter. Some use it -- as you suggest -- to 
make themselves look smart. A person who *in person* 
would be literally speechless on a subject *because 
they know nothing about it* can on the Internet spend 
a couple of minutes Googling and then come roaring 
back into a cyberdiscussion *pretending* to know 
something about it. 

It's like the early Hermione in the Harry Potter books, 
except that Hermione actually *did* know all the answers. 
The Google versions of Hermione, because they're not 
functioning in "real time" in a real conversation, are 
like "Hermione with a cheat sheet," pushing the Pause 
button on a conversation and running for Google to find 
something to say. And, as you say, some do this in 
an attempt o make themselves look smarter or more 
knowledgeable than they really are.

However, there is another form of intent that one
sees often in the Google addicts of the Internet.
*Their* intent in "going to Google" in the first 
place is not *just* to "make themselves look smarter."
There is a deeper intent that involves *making
someone less look dumb*. 

THAT is what was going on in this whole discussion,
Curtis. The entire *intent* of the person trotting
out information from Google as if it were real
knowledge was *to make you look stupid*. 

You know it, she knows it, and everyone else on this
forum knows it. *Without* having to Google it.  :-)

And one of the reasons is that you have successfully
"pulled back the curtain" on many of her pronounce-
ments and pointed out what they really are -- facts
gained not from real experience and real study but
from a few seconds on Google, but then presented
as if they *were* the result of real experience and
real knowledge. 

Pay no attention to that fat woman behind the curtain.
The more she tries to convince you that she knows 
more than you do, the more likely it is that she 
needed Google to do it.

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