Barry's *really* upset that I quoted a post of his from
a little over *three weeks ago* in which he describes
his own reliance on Google to "bolster his rants and

And because he's so enraged, he tops his earlier
ludicrous mistakes and hypocrisy in trying to defend

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> The only points I wished to make with regard to THE 
> CORRECTOR herself were:
> 1. She is in my opinion FFL's biggest offender in terms 
> of "Quick-Googling" something to *fake* knowledge about 
> a subject that she does not have, and

If I were trying to "fake" having knowledge, I wonder why
I'd have *announced*--repeatedly--that I had used the Web 
to find my information?


> 2. Her *intent* in doing so is almost always the same --
> an attempt to make someone she dislikes look stupid.

Uh-huh, that would work if Curtis hadn't made *himself*
look stupid, just as Barry does in his current attempt
to "Get Judy," by trying to fake knowledge he didn't

> You'll notice that this is all smoke and mirrors and
> nitpicking designed to deflect attention away from the
> two numbered points above. She really DOESN'T know
> squat about brain research, and was only trying to
> fake it via Googling.

Too funny, after I'd not only made it explicit in my
posts to Curtis that I knew squat about "brain research,"
but had *pointed out to Barry* in my post this morning
that I had made it explicit. He didn't read that post,
so he's left twisting slowly, slowly in the wind with
his head up his ass. Quite a sight, that...

(Plus which, none of what I Googled had anything to
do with "brain research" per se.)

 And she really WAS only in the
> discussion in the first place to try to make Curtis
> look bad.

And of course we all know that Barry *never* tries to
make anybody look bad.

<belly laugh>

> Over and out from my side. She'll spend several more
> posts trying to "spin" all of this.

Only one post needed to render Barry's incompetent
attempts at spin harmless (harmless to me, at least)
by the simple expedient of pointing out the facts.

 They will be on
> top of the ten other posts she's used up trying to
> make me look bad this week

Only seven, actually. Most of which (five) were in
response to Barry's (wildly unsuccessful) attempts
to make *me* look bad.

Jeez, he'd better keep his "Over and out" vow. Now
that he's completely lost it--through his own doing--
it'll only get worse from here.

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