Mike Dixon:
> > Joseph, betrayed by his brothers, saves the day 
> > for all of them, just as Christ saves the day for
> > all the Jews, not just Jewish believers, from 
> > total destruction.
> >
What do the Christianists say is going to happen to 
> the Jews - or anyone else - who doesn't accept 
> Jesus as their Savior? 
Even Jerry Falwell has adopted the 'dual covenant
theology', along with John Hagee and Rabbi Aryeh 

"This creed, which runs counter to mainstream 
evangelism, maintains that the Jewish people has a 
special relationship to God through the revelation 
at Sinai and therefore does not need "to go through 
Christ or the Cross" to get to heaven..."

Maybe you should keep your pie hole shut, John, 
about religious stuff you know nothing about. 

You're way down in Brazil, you're way out of the 
loop, you don't even know what's going on in U.S. 


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